• A. 11 2 2014 The Healer13:52
  • B. 11 2 2014 The Healer13:00

November 9, 2014

The Priority of Jesus

Mark 1:35-39

Jesus had two priorities --- prayer and preaching.  These gave his life power.

  • 11 9 2014 Priority of Jesus15:19
  • 11 9 2014 Priority of Jesus14:12


  We take seriously the proclamation and sharing of the Word of God.  On this page you will find audio sermons and a sermon outline to help you benefit most from your listening.  Let us know if you have any questions and how we might be of help to you in your spiritual life!


  • 2 15 2015 Sin Jesus and the Holy Spirit28:12

Sin, Jesus & the Holy Spirit

Mark 3:20-35

What Jesus had to say about forgivable

and unforgivable sin.

  • 12 7 2014 Great Tribulation14:53
  • 12 7 2014B Great Tribulation14:06

November 2, 2014

The Healer

Mark 1:29-34

The nature of healing in the ministry of Jesus is an important and essential part of his ministry.  Can he heal today?

December 21, 2014

The Holy City

Revelation 21:1-18

No more ennobling thought can occupy

our mind than heaven.

  • 11 23 2014 Greatly Blessed Highly Favored15:00
  • 11 23 2014 Greatly Blessed Highly Favored14:53

January 11, 2015

Why Doesn't He Fast Like Us?

Mark 2:18-22

Fasting was a religious ceremony for show in Jesus' day.  He said such an old way of doing things didn't fit in the Kingdom!

  • 12 21 2014A Heaven14:03
  • 12 21 2014B Heaven14:06

December 28, 2104

What Makes Him Talk Like That?

Mark 2:1-12

A new look at the man let down through the roof and the importance of identifying who Jesus is.

November 23, 2014

Greatly Blessed, Highly Favored

John 1:16

Thanksgiving is the time to count our blessings.

Janaury 18, 2015

Why Does He Let His Men Do That?

Mark 2:23-27

Jesus' disciples were hungry and so they picked some grain.  You would have thought the world had ended!

  • 12 24 2014 Everywhere Christmas15:41

The Call of Christ

Mark 3:7-18

When Christ calls, his people listen.

  • 12 28 2014A What Makes Him Talk Like That15:07
  • 12 28 2014B What Makes Him Talk Like That11:53

  • 1 18 2015 Why Does He Let His Men Do that15:59
  • 1 18 2015 Why Does He Let His Men Do that15:45

  • 1 11 2015 Why Doesn't He Fast Like Us14:40
  • 1 11 2015 Why Doesn't He Fast Like Us14:58
  • 1 11 2015 Why Doesn't He Fast Like Us10:41

December 24, 2014

Gifts for an Everywhere Christmas

Luke 2:1-20

Everywhere, everywhere Christmas tonight!

  • 2 8 2015 The Call of Christ25:34
  • 2 8 2015 Celebration of the Lord's Supper24:59

December 7, 2014

The Great Tribulation

II Thessalonians 1:5-10

The wrath of God will come upon all who

reject Jesus Christ in the Great Tribulation.