April 5, 2015
Of All Men Most Pitied
I Corinthians 15:12-20
If the resurrection does not happen to anyone, there are serious consequences for every Christian and for Christ.
April 3, 2015
The Seven Last Words of Christ
This is our Good Friday Service featuring the inspiring and historic Seven Last Words iof Christ on that most important day.
March 8, 2015
He Who Has Ears to Hear---
Let Him Hear!
Mark 4:21-35
Jesus came down from heaven to show us the ways of and the way to heaven.
March 15, 2015
What Kind of Man Is This?
Mark 4:35-41
When Jesus stopped a storm, his disciples were shocked and wondered just exactly who he was.
We take seriously the proclamation and sharing of the Word of God. On this page you will find audio sermons and a sermon outline to help you benefit most from your listening. Let us know if you have any questions and how we might be of help to you in your spiritual life!
Scroll down for most recent week's sermon!
April 19, 2015
The Final Frontier
Mark 5:21-24, 35-43
The final great enemy of mankind is
death. By his power, Jesus Christ
defeats death and gives us real hope.
April 12, 2015
At the End of Our Rope
Mark 5:25-34
The third great enemy of mankind is
pain and disease. By his power,
Jesus Christ defeats it ----
past and present.
May 28, 2015
The Race Set Before Us
Hebrews 12:1-4
Of all the options we have as Christians, the most important is
that we fix our eyes on
Jesus Christ for all of life.
(Preached at Brotherhood Mutual Chapel)